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Devil's Club Salve 2 oz.


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This stuff is AMAZING!
Jill M (Colorado) 9/22/2022 4:51 AM
During a stop in Sitka in June, I bought a gift box for my daughter, which included a container of this. The past two weeks I have been dealing with a pinched and sore neck that nothing helped with, not even CBD lotion. I tried this today and my neck feels better than it has in two weeks! It works better than tiger balm (and smells better) and CBD lotion. I need to buy two more containers so that my husband and I can each have one to keep with our work stuff while keeping the other one at home.
20+ years later, still does the trick
Ellen (New Mexico) 12/3/2021 1:19 PM
Pain in my ankle awoke me and in my slumber I reached in my bedside drawer and extracted the Devils Club Salve I purchased in 1998 when in Sitka. It immediately absolved the pain and the pain has not returned. This prompted me to find the store's website to order some fresh product. Many thanks!
Winter go-to
Heidi (Wisconsin) 12/3/2020 3:22 AM
I use this at night in the winter on my hands and it helps keep my skin from cracking. A small container goes a long way.
Works Wonders
Sandy Bauder (McKinney Texas) 6/4/2020 8:37 AM
I first purchased a small tin of the Devil's Club Salve, for $30 at a local Trades Day Flea Market. It worked so well, I went on line to see if I could find it for less and found your site. I have since ordered 3 tinsto share with family and friends. My husband and I both have back issues and using this has made all the difference in the world. I also use it on insect bites, cuts and bruises. The best product ever!
This really works!
Dave S (Belleuve, WA) 9/14/2018 2:22 PM
On our cruise stop (8/29), we toured Sitka National Historical Park. Our Tlingit guide showed us a Devils Club plant and explained how the Natives used it to treat arthritis (among other things). Then, while on a walking tour of Sitka, WinterSong had a display and sample out front, so I tried it. It worked within minutes! I was using a prescription with a $20 co-pay that I didn't think was doing any good, so needless to say, I purchased a tin. So far, I love it! I'm recommending it to my friends here at home. Next time I see my Dr., I'll tell her, too.
Devil's club salve
Kathryn Davis (Juneau Alaska) 4/14/2015 10:15 AM
I just received this on Saturday and started using it on my hands and knee for pain, and it works very well. Thank you.
Devil's Club Triumphs Over Stupid!
Jem (Va) 7/6/2013 4:35 PM
'They' say if you ride long enough you will do every stupid thing in 'the book' Took me almost thirty years but I finally backed into my hot pipe AFTER I changed into shorts. I actually smelled the 3"+ diameter circle of burning flesh on my calf b/f I felt it. Ugly. Nasty raw red center. Pain. Sis had given me a tin she brought back from a trip to Alaska that I've used occasionally. Since this was well beyond my usual 'rinse w/cool water till pain stops then ignore it' burn, I coated it with Wintersong's Devil's Club salve. Instantly painfree. Most amazing though, is I don't think I'll have a scar! After a week, it has reduced to abt 2" diameter and the surrounding skin, formerly red raw burn, looks totaly normal! I may be able to wear a dress w/o the 'how did you get that awful scar questions :)
Devil's Club Salve
Alyce Dyck (Kansas) 1/4/2013 6:35 AM
While in Alaska on a cruise I bought Devil's Club-Wildflower Salve for my shoulder needing a replacement from arthritis. I apply it most days. It works so well I haven't needed steroid injections in my shoulder since I've started using it 6 months ago. I actually have better range of motion than I did. Now my husband and a friend both want me to get them some for them.
Nothing works better for painful cracked skin on hands and feet.
Kevin Sarber (New Mexico) 5/30/2012 5:25 PM
I grew up with exzema on hands, enduring frequent cracking and bleeding, and of course "tried everything" including numerous natural salves, home remedies and pharmaceutical products. Fortunately I outgrew the worst of it, but in my recent job as a hospital CNA, washing hands over and over throughout my workday, flare-ups would threaten to send me home, as my hands often approach the cracking/bleeding stage. Fortunately I found a lotion that really works (Shikai borage therapy) for preventing this stage most of the time. But when it comes down to the actual cracking/bleeding the lotion does nothing, and I whip out my Devil's Club Salve. It works overnight, and my hands are better, I can keep working. Recently moved to New Mexico where I wear sandals and walk barefoot all the time and now my feet are cracking (bottoms, toes, heels). When it gets painful I use this salve and again, it works like magic. I grew up in Ketchikan and love all the medicinal plants in this salve, just wish you could make a non-greasy and mineral oil-free lotion using the same formulation.
Ashley (Oregon) 6/6/2011 5:15 PM
This Salve is amazing. We first discovered it when my sister had a really bad burn on her arm and a relative gave us some to try. Within 24 hours her burn look ten times better. Since then we have found that it works great for many things including muscle aches and cuts/scrapes. Thanks for making such a great product!
Salve useful for post-op swelling?
Carol (Michigan) 5/17/2011 5:11 PM
I am recovering from Achilles tendon and heel surgery. . .have a 4" scar. . .have been non-weight bearing for four weeks and am just now slowly adding weight, light stretching, etc. Last week my Dr.'s "assignment" was to begin gently massaging the incision site with a lotion of my choice. I wondered about the effectiveness of your lovely Devil's Club salve purchased last year, so I tried it, assuming I had nothing to lose. I have been using it twice or three times a day for four days now, and I almost feel silly saying this, but I could swear that it really is bringing down the inflamation, and the incision site looks great. Could it really be? (I know you'd say "yes!") I can't wait to see the doctor next week and show him the great "miracle" product I've been using! Wouldn't it be great if he'd start recommending it to his future patients? (I'll be sure to give him your address and will hope that it brings you new business.) Thank you for such a fine, gentle, and effective product! Sorry to appear skeptical, but I don't readily support things just because they are "natural," preferring them to prove themselves first. Well, it's proving itself, and I couldn't be happier. (Well, OK, if I could run the Juneau Marathon again, that would top the "happiness" scale!)
CEO, PennCreek Corp.
William Harper (Redmond, WA) 4/28/2011 3:08 PM
Picked this salve up while on a cruise for wife's sore feet, seemed to work well. Since then I've used it for an injured foot trod upon by a malicious horse, worked great for reducing pain and controlling swelling. Have since ordered more for family members. Highly recommended.
I'm Sold On This Salve!
Kathleen (Kingston, WA) 10/15/2010 9:10 PM
My husband brought back a jar of this salve from a recent trip to Sitka. I was skeptical but tried it first on mosquito bites. Within a minute or two, the bites no longer itched. A week later, I had some painful chafing from boots that were too tight. After applying the salve, the relief lasted all day. This product is amazing! I can't imagine being without it now.
WinterSong Customer for 8 years!
Jerry (Texas) 12/3/2009 8:35 AM
I Love this Salve! Its incredible I use it everyday!
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